Busan Travel Log: 2019-9-15
“Here” — a Jubilee Media Fellowship Film: Coming Soon
No Talking, Just Sharing: 2019-5-19
An awkward, intimate web short exploring human interactions.
This social experiment series brings people together to share experiences without talking—just sharing. The purpose of the series is to explore how humans interact under particular circumstances and to allow people to re-evaluate relationships and human interaction. What creates awkwardness, and how do people deal with it? What makes their responses different? In this awkward and silly first episode, 4 pairs of strangers each come together to share a milkshake. Each pair will meet, greet each other, receive a glass and two straws, and be prompted to drink from the milkshake simultaneously until they finish—no talking involved.
Directed by: Sarah Park
Produced by: Sarah Park, Sarah Tahir, Sofia Garreton, Natasha Garreton
Shot with: Sony FS5
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
Dear My Korean Mother,: 2018-12-11
This mini-documentary tells a personal, underrepresented story that examines the aspect of unconditional motherly love in Korean culture through the lens of a Korean American daughter—more specifically, the role of food and cooking in Korean maternal love, and the importance of food as a love language.
*Click here to see project documentation!
Course: Senior Project, 2018
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator CC
Shot with: Canon EOS 80D
bbq luv: 2019-7-6
Home-korean bbq.
Shot with: Sony a7 III
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Los Angeles Travel Film: 2019-7-6
San Francisco Travel Film: 2019-6-18
A travel film from a quick vacation to Los Angeles!
Shot with: Sony a6
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
A travel film from a quick vacation to San Francisco!
Shot with: Sony a6
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Jubilee Fellowship Recap: 2019-8-19
A recap video from my experience at Jubilee Media’s 2019 fellowship.
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Thank You, Staff: 2019-5-2
PROJECT: Personal Branding, 2019-02-27
A short video montage created to thank the staff members who have been serving on the Soon Movement (on-campus Christian ministry) team for the school year.
Shot with: Canon EOS 80D
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Task: "Convey yourself through any medium. How would you brand yourself?"
Course: Professional Practices
Shot with: Sony FS5
Edited in: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro
Assignment: Therapy, 2019-2-28
Making Webisodes course assignment for shooting, editing, and sound exercise. Shot with film crew (names below). Directing and editing myself. Audio monitoring by Natasha Garreton, camerawork by Sarah Tahir.
Course: Making Webisodes, 2019
Crew: Sarah Park, Natasha Garreton, Sarah Tahir, Sofia Garreton
Actors: Sofia Garreton, Jackson Pruitt
Shot with: Sony FS5
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Dear My Korean Mother, (Preview): 2018-10-30
For my senior (thesis) project, I decided to create a mini-documentary summarizing the unconditional love that Korean mothers convey through cooking and food, from the lens of a Korean American daughter. Note: This short piece is a midterm render, so it contains only one out of the four interviews I plan to execute, and the interview content is subject to change.
Course: Senior Project, 2018
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
Shot with: Canon EOS 80D
Internship Capstone, DoSomething.org: 2018 08-09
I spent three months of the summer (June-August) working as Product intern at DoSomething.org. I was lucky enough to be able to contribute to and produce meaningful work in my time there, and this video is a testament to that. At the end of each summer internship term, the interns get to present a capstone project that encompasses the highlights of their work. Since a lot of the projects I worked on involved user experience design (mainly user testing and user interviews), I thought it would be a fun experience to create a user persona and animate her through a mock-interview, so I filmed, directed, and edited together this short piece. The interview reflects the real user feedback I was observing in my user experience work on the Product team at DoSomething.
Assets created in: Adobe Illustrator CC
Edited in: Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro
PROJECT: The Coming of Age
This video is a documentation of the video mapping installation my partners and I performed in our Hypercinema (Tisch ITP) course. The video delineates the lifetime of a girl in an unconventional setting — a kitchen. She begins as a young child, growing older as she is "cooked" from pan to pan. The kitchen represents an everyday habit: cooking, eating, nourishing oneself; while the content represents an everyday journey: life, learning, and growing. The transitions from the smallest pan to, eventually, the plate being served is a metaphor for some of one's typically critical milestones: primary school, secondary school, college, and the real world, respectively. As the girl is cooked further, she is pushed around harder by her responsibilities, until she eventually is thrown into the real world despite being unprepared. The installation makes a statement on this much-too-common North American style of living — is this ubiquitously practiced, classic style of growth and education the only way in which to turn? Are there not better ways society can foster a person?
Course: Communications Lab: Hypercinema
Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro
With: Diana Xu, Heather Kim
Task: Create a video mapping installation which reveals a narrative through a physical object or series of objects.